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The Hindquarter – the Power Engine, with Dr Rikke Schultz

Saturday 22nd March @ 14:00 HRS GMT

The hindquarter – the power engine - different pathologies and their relationship to the Equine Myofascial Kinetic Lines. The hindquarter is where the power for the forward motion should come from. The lumbo-sacral- pelvis junctions are complex and the biomechanics can be impaired for many reasons. It can alternate the normal posture and motion.The pathology of the area will be described and related to the Equine Myofascial Kinetic Lines.

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About us

Centaur Biomechanics was found in 2006 by Dr. Russell MacKechnie-Guire who graduated from Warwickshire College in 2006 with a BSc (Hons) in Equine and Human Sports Science and now holds a PhD in Equine Biomechanics graduating from the Royal Veterinary College in 2019. Russell’s thesis was titled ‘The Relationship between Saddle and Rider Kinematics, Equine Locomotion, and Thoracolumbar Pressures in Sports Horses’.

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